Sunday, December 19, 2010

The 19th Day of Christmas

We started having a special family dinner a few years ago and love it. This year wasn't as fancy as I have made it before but all it takes is Martinelli's, wine glasses and candles for the kids to know it's special. We usually do it earlier in the month but getting all of us together in one place at the same time hasn't been easy....we stilll missed Ky. My favorite part about the dinner is talking about the reason we celebrate Christmas and what gifts we can give back to Christ for all he has done for us. It was nice to focus on the birth of Christ and have a nice calm evening together. After dinner I gave each of the kids their special orniment for this year. Kaysn's is a football player, Kylie's a cupcake (Kenzie held in in the photo for me) and Kenzie, Brynlie and Brecken all got candy orniments.


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