Thursday, August 26, 2010

Diva Houseparty

The cute gloves and apron I made earlier in the month were all for this fun Houseparty I won. I went with a Diva theme which made it fun to decorate for. Everyone brought one of their favorite things to exchange by playing a game where we passed the gifts to the right and left based on the wording of a story I wrote...the story was pretty dorky but fun to write and read. Everyone went home with Diva Dishwashing gloves, a goodie bag I put together with the stuff they sent me in my party kit and at least one other Diva prize that they won. I gave out prizes for having the most points based on chores you did...or didn't do, we played the 'what is missing off the tray' game, along with giving out prizes for silly things like being the last to shower for the day or cleaning up the worst mess ever. We may have played too many games but I had lots of fun stuff I wanted to give away. We had fun discussing our favorite cleaning secrets sharing stories and enjoying some always needed Girl Time.


I changed my font at